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Looking after ourselves

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

Hi @Hillsy ..... 👋 .... good to see you ..... 


@Susana .... hi .... hearing you Hon.

Have a look at this and see if it helps -

It’s really important as carers that we balance our own welfare along with those we are caring for.  This article explains a bit about “carer’s burnout”, which we are all prone to.


Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

Thank you @Faith-and-Hope,

Good article! Just need to have some clear boundaries right now in my caregiver role.

Being a dual carer almost means I don't get to take a mental break. When I'm not caring for my mum with MI, it's researching ways of supporting my son with autism.

Trying to stay as healthy as I can physically with exercise (before husband goes to work and everyone else is still asleep) and sleep. Mentally it's not easy for me to rest.... Even when I am not physically sing the caring when help is around....

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

good morning @Susana, @Faith-and-Hope, @Hillsy, @outlander

Good article @Faith-and-Hope, I find getting the right balance is my problem


Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

Hello @cruz , @Kcjm, @Awareb4, there are some great tips and hints here and if you have some to add , please add them

@Susana, @Faith-and-Hope, @Hillsy, @Former-Member

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

Major distractions are needed then @Susana ......

I hear you. I have a disabled daughter for whom I am the carer, plus a husband with an mi that he is not aware he has - as yet undiagnosed for this reason - and now our two younger kidults are suffering various forms of anxiety and depression ...... one has been under a mental health team for a year ..... the other one has been bobbing along the surface and managing well enough to only have school counsellor and medical support, but she has recently started with a psych. The bottom line for me is that this is all support I didn’t have before.

Music and art are my two great escapes ..... and television movies ...... I also go for long walks in the outdoors where ai am feeling the breeze ..... often beside water as I find it calming ...... and distracted by things I see, and people watching.

We have recently relocated so my youngest two can relaunch their studies ...... although one deferred till next semester after a month. At our previous home, in our previous state, I used to look for dolphins in the river.

It takes practice and thinking about to plan your own escapes and distractions, but I can’t emphasise how important it is ......

“Who is caring for the carer ?”

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

Thanks for the tips Faith-and-Hope!

You have a full plate!

Yes, it's true.... Who cares for the carer?

I have some ideas for distractions.... Maybe I will look upset some past favourite TV shows. 😁

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

Hearing you too @Susana 💜

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

Hi @Susana @Hillsy

Great ideas @outlander 

I've not heard the term "expressed emotions" in that way and am doing researching.  Though I have a sense of it as an abreaction/venting rather than constructive and mature emotional relating.

Smiley Happy

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

Thanks @outlander!

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

Where to start when one is overwhelmed? I started with somewhere where I could. Picking up one thing a day to start to try and get pur clutter under control, working up to 3 things, having coffee or lunch out when travelling to main centre for appts, adding in an occasional hair cut which eventually became more regular.
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