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Why are some employees so rude to their customers/clients??

I'm sorry but why are some employees gotta be extremely rude to their customers/clients for no fking reason??? 


I was just on a call with this lady who works at the housing office and I had a question regarding a question that's on the housing application that I'm currently applying. This lady is by far the rudest person I've ever spoken to, and after her extremely rude, apathetic and unhelpful response of "YEAH, YOU JUST GOTTA PUT DOWN WHAT YOU HAVE LOVE!" in an extremely rude tone, I immediately had to say bye and then end the call because there's no way I'm gonna spend my time talking to someone whose willing to talk to their customers/clients like that.


Well since I have looked at the reviews of this office and almost all of them were 1 star reviews. Perhaps I should've looked at that before I started ringing them. But thanks to that lady for ruining my day today 🥲

Also, it really blows my mind how some employees like her continue to work at their job when their managers should've completely fired them a long time ago, but knowing what managers are like in general, they don't care about that at all just because they're higher-ups and they only care about the money. 😑


Re: Why are some employees so rude to their customers/clients??

Literally, she could've just take her anger with that angry tone of hers somewhere else and not onto someone who has came to seek help like........ it's extremely unprofessional and not the kind of behaviour that should be tolerated in any workplace.....not even in customer service!!!

Re: Why are some employees so rude to their customers/clients??

Hi @Blackcloud.  I know what you mean.  Years ago no one would survive in that sort of role for very long if they were rude.  I don't whether it's the changes in the job market meaning more and more people doing jobs they don't like or apathetic managers.  Customer service really doesn't seem to be that important any more.  I used to work at Myer... gee, about 25 years ago and you wouldn't last very long at all if you weren't extremely polite and helpful.  Back then there was training and managers took notice.  I've noticed people in hospitality are generally really good.  It's probably because you wouldn't work in a role like that if you didn't like it and weren't good at it.

Re: Why are some employees so rude to their customers/clients??

Hi @MJG017 that's interesting. Yeah it blows my mind that even the management allows their employees to be like this. I feel like even if the employee themselves doesn't like the job, they should at least still show respect towards their customers/clients especially with the way they speak in a certain tone. Encountering employees like this drives me absolute nuts.

It's like I wanna ask them "do you work here?" 😂

Re: Why are some employees so rude to their customers/clients??

@Blackcloud @MJG017  I worked in customer service for 30+ years.  Prefer not to say where.  For long time it was exactly that, customer service.  Helping customers in variety of areas.  Quite often went home feeling tired/exhausted but happy within myself that I had helped people as best I could.


then things started to change.  Management would micro manage.  Time limitations became more important than customer service.  Rework increased and customers became unhappy.  Few years before I retired, staff who served the most customers each day got praised, regardless of standard of work or level of “customer service”.


business I was employed by, “customer service” was all about numbers and zero about actually helping people.  Part of the reason I retired.


Can feel your pain and frustration @Blackcloud   I find it thoroughly annoying to go somewhere or contact a business to get help from their staff and what I receive is far from good customer service.  I was raised to treat others way I want to be treated, this stayed with me through my employment and still does to current day

Re: Why are some employees so rude to their customers/clients??

Hi @Patches59 yeah, it’s really frustrating to know that there are companies out there that only care about the numbers and none about customer service. If only all of them can at least have faith in humanity and treat all of us the way we all deserve to be treated. We live in a cruel world.

Re: Why are some employees so rude to their customers/clients??

Hi @Blackcloud 


Sorry to hear you were treated so rudely by that woman in the housing office.  I hope you eventually got your housing application in.  Applying for housing is very stressful so you'd think that they would employ more empathetic employees.


As someone with mental health issues it can be very triggering dealing with rude and/or overbearing people.  The worst experience I have had was dealing with Centrelink.  Staff would loose patience with me because I had trouble navigating their system.  It's so lovely when you find one of those helpful people who go out of their way to solve your problem(s).  I think the rude people would probably find their work far more rewarding if they'd take an honest interest in the customer.  Such is life. 😏


Warmest regards


R 🌻

Re: Why are some employees so rude to their customers/clients??

Hi @Ravencroft i haven’t filled in all of the questions from the housing application, but right now I am still thinking if I should still continue applying for housing or not because that housing office is known to have staff members there that don’t give a shit about their residents at all, even though I currently live in a social housing apartment with my parents and our apartment is associated with that office as well since it’s closer.

my mum on the other hand can handle rude staff members like that well and doesn’t take it to heart (which is why her and I do have opposite opinions and perspectives on things & why I don’t have a good relationship with her)


I’m thinking perhaps I should keep renewing my lease contract (by the time the end date comes) for the student accomodation that I’m gonna be moving into in 2 weeks time, unless if I either drop out of uni (well hopefully I don’t ever consider on dropping out of uni until I graduate in years time).

Re: Why are some employees so rude to their customers/clients??

Hi @Blackcloud 


I hate when the public sector seem to have all the power and the rest of us have to more or less suck up to them to get a positive outcome. I'm not sure who you complain to, perhaps your local member but I'd imagine it's your word against theirs. Too exhausting!!! It leaves you feeling really disempowered. Anyway it sounds like you have a plan.


Definitely stay enrolled at uni, another year will go quickly. We'll done. The closest I got to university was working as an admin for few years but it was a really nice environment.


Hang in there and look after yourself. Remember, if things start getting on top of you pop back on the forum and have a good old rant. Over in the "Recovery club" there is a thread called "Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away" where you can just vent/rant as many times as you like.


Warmest regards


R 🌻