Re: My special place

Oh thank goodness @Snowie!! What relief! Wish you hadn't had to scream for it hun, but better late than never I guess. Whew!


What do you think you'll do this evening, you will be packing no? Or you already packed?


Hugs! This is really good to hear, ty for sharing 💜

Re: My special place

I'm so glad to hear @Snowie. Thank you for sharing that update!

Re: My special place

Thanks @Ru-bee @Jynx @Bow @Eve7 @NatureLover 

Will have to start packing now and nick up the street for a few things.


Will try and make PGC afterwards


Re: My special place

So happy and relieved about your news, @Snowie ! 💙

Re: My special place

Hi all

Thanks everyone for the support for quite awhile now since I have been unwell. Every message has given me hope. I will try and stay up to date but of course I probably won't be around as much as I normally am.

Sending lots of love, squishy hugs and hope to all.

Re: My special place

Aww it's a privilege to be able to be here for you darlin!! @Snowie squishy hugs and oodles of love right back atcha!! 😍💜

Re: My special place

Thinking of you today and really hope it’s gone as well as possible @Snowie 


I’m just glad you’re safe hun 🩵🤗🩵🤗🩵

Re: My special place

Hi to everyone reading this.

Came in for ECT this morning and then got admitted. Was quite a smooth process which was good.

The plan is for 3 weeks in here but that will of course depend on how I am going.

Have the same pdoc in here from last time so at least he knows my history and I don't have to explain everything again.

Going to try and make it to a few groups tomorrow instead of just sitting around in my room all day. Hopefully I can work up the courage to go. One is an art therapy group so I think that might be ok without being too full on.

Sending lots of love out to all and hoping things are going ok 💕💕

Re: My special place

YOU MADE IT @Snowie !!!!


What a relief!


I'm sorry you had to wait so so long.  I wonder if this is something that you can discuss with them for the future?



Re: My special place

Not that I like being in here @tyme but I do recognise that it was something that really was needed.

I think it was a combination of things that made the process drawn out.

I had to get a referral from my pdoc, approval from work cover and then approval tfrom the pdoc that was admitting me. Then the hospital had to check if their were any beds free for my stay. Unfortunately my regular pdoc isn't associated with the hospital so it had to go through quite a few channels.

But at least it is done now.

Hopefully in the next few days I can get approved for some leave, depending on my mental state. I guess that will just depend on how I go.