Re: My special place

I don't know how that will work. The CATT team for my area is totally different to where I go as an inpatient. Would they even discuss it with each other.

Do I just get sent home to 'hang on'


Re: My special place

@Snowie wrote:

I'm not sleeping, not eating, not doing any of the basic things.

If I go anywhere, I'll just get sent home. If I ring then I'll just be waiting for hours.

There is no good option. There is nothing left.


Worried about you, @Snowie . Sorry that the admission process has been...delayed? Hoping it gets fixed tomorrow 🤞


Sending care 💙

Re: My special place

@NatureLover I don't have any hope in the system. It seems to always let us/me down.

Why bother

Re: My special place

@Snowie  can you go public to get some immediate care and support and wait for your admission there? I know folks here, have done that. And when I was sent to the private facility for ECT, it was first through a presentation to the ED and a short stay at PECC. 
Anything to keep you safe and cared for cause it sounds like that’s what you need at the moment. 

Re: My special place

Can you maybe reframe it as a mistake that will be fixed soon? @Snowie 


I know, I can hear you are at the end of your rope for "hanging on" 😭

Re: My special place

I know it's not just me. I know the whole system is broken. I am just caught up in the middle of a complete an utter sh*tstorm


Re: My special place

Oh @Snowie I am so sorry this is happening and it is all so wrong. The hospital shouldn’t be taking so long with your admission and surely your pdoc has stressed the urgency.


I went through public last admission until I was considered safe for private but it’s not something I’d recommend . It was quite scary in the public mh unit and I don’t want to ever return there.


Sitting with you 💙🤗💙

Re: My special place

@Eve7 I don't want to end up in the public system either. The things I've heard really scare me.


Re: My special place

Aye agreed @Snowie it's not your fault, nor does it at all indicate that you're not worthy of the help. I'm so sorry hun 😔

Re: My special place

I know that @Jynx but it is hard not to take it personally. When I go into hospital I get a wrist band with my name and a number on it. Is that how they see me, just another number