Re: My special place

@Snowie sending you lots of love. I hope the PRN helps settle things for you 💖🫂. Here to keep you company if that’s what you need

Re: My special place

Here with you @Snowie so hard for you my friend and I hope the wait is not for too much longer.


Sending a bucket 🪣 load of love 💙💙

Re: My special place

Thanks for the kind words @Eve7 @creative_writer @rav3n 


It is hard knowing that my mental health rests on someone else's decision making.


Feel like all I do is damage control atm.

Have had dinner. Spaghetti, nice and quick

Just watching some tv, but think it might be an early night.



Re: My special place

Nothing wrong with an early night @Snowie. Spaghetti sounds delicious, I hope it turned out beautiful 💖. What are you watching on TV?

Re: My special place

No one complained about tea @creative_writer so it must have tasted ok!


Watching the formula 1 from last night. Couldn't stay awake last night to watch it so its on replay.


What are you up to?

Re: My special place

@SnowieI’m sure it tasted better than okay.

Haven’t been up to much tonight. Had dinner. Did some prayers. Massaged my head. I think my neck and jaw need a massage too, it’s been awfully tense. We store so many emotions in our body

Re: My special place

@creative_writer my kids aren't picky eaters so will eat practically anything.


We do stores a lot of emotions in our body. It can make us feel quite heavy at times.

If you don't mind me asking what religion are you? 

Re: My special place

@Snowie you strike me as a motherly person who cooks delicious home cooked meals.

My body has a lot to release. It holds onto too much. It’s gotten to the point I can’t do one of those mindfulness exercises that focuses too much on the body due to the risk of having a body flashback triggered.

I’m Muslim

Re: My special place

I actually like cooking and trying out new recipes @creative_writer 


It does sound like your faith is a big part of who you are. I'm glad you have that.

Our bodies can hold onto a lot. I'm sorry you have body flashbacks hon, they must be really hard to deal with. I hope today is going ok for you.




Re: My special place

So got a phone call this morning from my case manager saying that the hospital stay has been approved. My pdoc has already sent this through to the hospital. The next step is just waiting to hear from them about when the admission will go ahead. I guess it depends on the bed situation.

At least there is progress.