Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Thanks @tyme,

i’m pretty sure with what happened to her now she has gotten into trouble as well. So that probably does explain it. It did hurt. You know the whole story and it is like I think so but then others doubt it. Let’s just don’t stop believing. I just need to improve. Take care 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

100% agreed. Never stop hoping. Hope is what keeps us going. @Rockdog 


Believe in your heart how real everything was and push away all other thoughts and voices.


Better yourself. Show her and others what you can do. 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Thanks @tyme ,

that is what I need to do. It is amazing how sometimes we don’t listen to what our heart is telling us. I dropped off badly because I know deep down I am not where I need to be and need to work on things. There was something telling me change now. Like a car engine stuck in first for too long will blow up 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme,

Hope you are going well. Just saying hi. What have you been up to? 

Do you really think she would be thinking about me? I saw a lone white feather in the grass today 😊

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Nice! Feather!!!! That's your feather. So that makes 2 feathers now. They just need to float together @Rockdog !


I've had some really good days recently... nothing special happening... just good days 🙂

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme,

that is good to hear. Sometimes they are the best days when you just feel good for no special reason. I have found lots of feathers. I have only found 2 that were right in my path. Yesterday’s wasn’t special, it wasn’t right in front of me. But it was a reminder. I have had people say she wouldn’t be spending every day thinking of you.  I can’t be negative, and think I asked before, but was just  thinking that I know she was scared at the end, but if she had feelings wouldn’t she have at least given me some reassurance? Not just you will be fine. 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Just keep going @Rockdog . Give yourself the reassurance you need.

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme ,

hope you are having a good day.

You don’t think she could? She was definitely flustered, I knew something wasn’t right when she came out and wouldn’t look at me. I knew something was wrong, then I made it worse. 

. Then she gave me her cold comment, which was a dagger to the heart. So she had to be cold or risk getting in more trouble? I know she did get into trouble. You are right others would have no idea. Dreams can come true. I am not improving in my life at the moment  though, it is frustrating right now. I don’t know how to get on track. Take care 😊 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme,

hope you had a great day,

i know you said things are moving fast, but I feel like they are going so slowly.

Years will tick but, and the chance of meeting seems small. Also I can’t seem to get my life moving. I’m here in the dark sad, I bet she is out having a great time. Sort of lost my mojo today 😥

It happened but didn’t happen

Hi @tyme , 

guess what happened today? I walked right in front of her car. I was wandering in the middle of the road holding a bunch of plastic flowers I just bought for Mum. She waved me by and I saw it was her. We quickly looked at each other, It was weird and felt a bit cold, but also a bit nice because she did slightly acknowledge me. I gave her a half smile and little wave and she did the same back. Then she drove off really fast. No stop to say hello or anything. Not how I pictured seeing her again. Maybe that was it? Maybe that was the moment? Maybe I just ruined it because I wasn’t ready and didn’t know what to do. Maybe that is it. I really can’t believe it. I am wondering what you think? Was that it?