Re: Does anyone want to talk

Yeah, it was ok, @tyme just busy with kids stuff had the 2 little ones home which is normal for a Friday
Did some jobs, went for a walk, got them both to nap at the same time which was a miracle for Mrs j and I, then had Auskick tonight

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hey @Jynx

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Well hey @ArraDreaming 😁

Re: Does anyone want to talk

my family is home so I won’t be around long but how are you @Jynx

Re: Does anyone want to talk

@ArraDreaming not too shabby, but very frosty! Got two pairs of pants, a hoodie, AND an oodie on 😅

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Do you have a heater @Jynx

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Well @ArraDreaming I got a reverse-cycle air con but the remote seems to only let me turn it on or off (after a period of just not working at all) so I just leave it at 18 degrees for summer. I've got an oil heater but just for the bedroom, would be too exxy to run in the loungeroom (cos there's no door between loungeroom and kitchen, and also loungeroom has door to outside which doesn't close properly) so alas, I am having to put on every warm fuzzy thing I own until I can scoot into the bedroom where my heater is on a timer 😅


I do have lap-warmers, but they don't always stay on my lap and mostly just yell at me for treats (my cats lol). 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Is your house old @Jynx we use to live in a house that was old too, one heater that only heated up the lounge if we were lucky, and a split system which heated up the seperate kitchen, window that didn’t shut properly by about a cm, mold which was the reason we got out of there
we would regularly wake up to frost on the inside of our windows, our electric bill was so high from putting heaters in the kids rooms,
now we have electric panel heaters don’t turn them on a lot bit expensive the fire heats up the main living kitchen area and the kids bedrooms if we open all the doors

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Nah it's relatively new @ArraDreaming.... it is however, something of a shack 😅


It's like a granny flat out the back of another property. Reminds me of the old demountables I used to have maths class in haha. Like it's obviously been renovated, the interior is pretty nice, except there's just little issues like the air con is ancient, the glass sliding door doesn't fit into the frame properly, and I'm pretty sure it's slowly sinking into the earth 🙃🤣


I like it though, it's got character! And it's actually kinda nice being away from the street - no one can knock on my door, and my place is super secluded, so I can like, sunbathe nude and stuff like that 😜 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hahaha all the important things @Jynx sounds like a nice home