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So many different symptoms

Hi guys,

I am new here. I have been sick for the last couple of years and I just feel like it is something more than anxiety and depression. I have so many different symptoms so I'm not sure what's wrong. I saw a psychiatrist once about it because I was really concerned that I had Bipolar Disorder but I feel like he didn't really listen to me and that I didn't really get to say all I wanted to say about how I had been feeling. He was very cut throat and abrupt and I didn't like him. I just want someone to actually listen to me and to take in and think about what I am saying. And to not just say "Yeah you don't have this" without even letting me talk about all of my symptoms. I guess I just want to know what's wrong and where to start. It can be so hard to get genuinely good help sometimes. Any advice would be so very much appreciated.


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Re: So many different symptoms

Hi @Littletink_

A warm welcome to Sane. Sorry to read that you have been so sick for the last couple of years. Are you saying that your current medical professionals are claiming the symptoms "are all in your head?" If you feel your present medical professionals are not listening to you or taking you seriously I would recommend you seeking second opinions. The necessary tests should then be undertaken  to assess you properly - to either rule out or treat any physical disorder adequately giving you better peace of mind.  Also seeing a psychologist to offload how you are feeling - being truly being heard and supported may help also well. 😊

Re: So many different symptoms

Hi @Former-Member nice to meet you.

No, I'm not really sure how to explain it. I guess I just don't feel like I have been able to discuss all of the symptoms that have been bothering me. I think I just feel like I haven't been given the correct diagnosis and that my symptoms are more intense for me than what my gp thinks they are. I hope I'm making sense. I have just signed up to a new GP and am going to get a new psychiatrist and psychologist. We don't have very good Mental Health services available here which makes things tough.
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Re: So many different symptoms

Hi @Littletink_

Not having adequate mental health resources because of  egligence from govts with underfunding these essential services does make it very tough to seek proper help. I am very pleased you have signed up with a new GP to ask to be referred on for a second opinion. Please let us know how you get on xx

Re: So many different symptoms

Hi @Littletink_

I am new here too. I hope you are doing ok today.

I just wanted to say, please keep trying to find someone who listens and can help you!

I have had some very similar experiences (though more with physical health issues), and I know how disheartening and frustrating it can be when 'medical professionals' don't even take the time to properly listen to and consider your symptoms, or dismiss/downplay them. It makes you lose faith in all of them, but there are some decent, even really good ones out there. It's just hard to find them.

I don't have any real advice except to keep trying, get as many opinions as you can (I know it's a drain mentally and financially), don't give up till you get the care/answers you need, and don't settle for dismissive/unhelpful doctors/psychs/etc. You are paying these people to help you, you need to feel comfortable with them and to feel secure that you can trust them to assist you professionally and effectively with your concerns and health. Maybe you could ask around/google for recommendations/testimonials to try find someone good, who might be a good fit for you? You deserve kind, professional, and helpful help!

All the best and I hope you find some really good support people.

Re: So many different symptoms

You did the right thing by changing your psychiatrist for another one. A psychiatrist needs to be interested in his patients and not just minding his own business. And he also should examine you, not just listen to you. If you don't have good MH services you may try online consultation.

Re: So many different symptoms

Thank you so much for your support and reply. I feel I have been experiencing symptoms of bipolar over the last fiveish years but I'm not too sure. I know it's a pretty serious thing and that medical professionals don't take diagnosing lightly. So when I have gone to medical professionals before and said I was really worried that I was experiencing it or had it they kind of just dismissed it and said oh nah you're just experiencing anxiety and depression. I feel like my life is a shambles. I have moved 7 times within the last 9 years, I have enrolled in 5 different degrees and haven't been able to complete any of them. I don't know what I'm doing. I can't stick to things. My interests change quickly. I feel all over the place. I get really motivated and want to do something then I lose all interest and crash and burn into a deep pit of depression. If anyone has any advice or input on this feel free to comment