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Re: Loneliness

Thank you @PinkFlamingo 

Re: Loneliness

Dearest @Appleblossom 


Do you remember when you joined we used to wake up and grab the computer what each of us said to each other - with @Maritza and @greenpea @Jacques @Loopy @outlander @Zoe7 @TAB 

Apologies if forgotten names. 

Now, today @PinkFlamingo sends recipes, teaches us about sleeping, I'm as vulnerable as they come. 


How is your son ? 


You are so much more settled and flexible today.... 

Senior Contributor

Re: Loneliness

@PeppyPatti  😊 before we got a bit older and tireder lol did you mean @Mazarita  ?.. @Appleblossom 

Re: Loneliness

@PeppyPatti  @Appleblossom  happy to do what I can in the moments of energy/function I have.. my apologies for the sometimes inconsistency while I deal with some health issues that have come up/exacerbated recently...

I feel a little awful for being inconsistent at times..

But, always here to lend a hand or give a virtual hug anytime 🙂 

Re: Loneliness

Hey @Appleblossom 


Sending hugs to you and yours; especially your son.


Take care

Re: Loneliness

@PeppyPatti   hi PeppyPatti i remember you from years ago. hope life is treating you kindlyxx

Re: Loneliness

Yes @TAB 


Jeepers..... Who would have guessed? 


Where was the intelligence of me ? 

Yesterday, I ate a rabbit white Easter egg and was very ill with tummy illness and all of a sudden got better and I still can't eat today......

Senior Contributor

Re: Loneliness

hope you feel better soon @PeppyPatti 

Re: Loneliness


As I get older I think wisdom set in and I came back. 


How are you ? ❤️

It's very warm here in Western Australia. 


Mr Rocker and I are about to fly over to Adelaide to visit my brother for a week. The prices even with a companion card is crazy expensive. 

Re: Loneliness


Your sharp intelligence is what I love. 


Your very caring compassion is something I need to read. 


You are so needed right here. I cannot believe how you have given great information to @john74 


You also lifted me. I'll let you know more when I go to pick my new sewing machine up today 🐱

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