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Checking in again

Hi everyone, just checking in here again because it’s started out to be a tricky weekend navigating some anxiety and depressive feelings after a therapy session. When I get like this it makes me feel like I am going backwards at worst or not making progress at best. Trying to trust the process of just riding this wave out and hoping that it will ease. Feels like I am stuck again and worthless. Anyway am going to revert back to some breathing work and have some lunch. 


Re: Checking in again

Also it all makes me feel like completely withdrawing.

Re: Checking in again

Hey @Hyperballad ,


Thanks for the update. When things are tough, I used to also have the tendency to withdraw. Yet I found this not to be very helpful in the long run.


I don't know about you as to whether withdrawing is good for you or not. 


Whatever you choose, we will support you.

Re: Checking in again

Hi @Hyperballad  How are you doing? There are ups and down in this journey , the best is to face them with courage. Hope everything will be fine soon. Bad days not going to last long. We are here for you. Lets hold together.

Re: Checking in again

@Tilz Not in a great way tonight. Am at the ED of the hospital because I had another spiral over something. It’s been overwhelming - I tried to calm it all down but it was just very hard. 

Re: Checking in again

Hi @Hyperballad, ❤️

I am sorry to hear that last night was rough - how're you going today?

Are you back home now? 

Re: Checking in again

@lavenderhaze Thank you. I came back home afterwards and just went to sleep. I saw my therapist the next day and we spoke about how crying and letting it out can be a release. 

Re: Checking in again

@Hyperballad  Hope you are fine now. How are you now? Is it still pain?

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