Re: Paranoid partner

Hi Applebolossom and Natalie


Thanks so much for your responses, persoanl experiences and understanding - it all helps.


It has been a difficult period.  For the last 3 to 4 weeks I have tried to stay out if his way.  We have been living at separate ends of the house.  I have been back in contact with a friend who has Bipolar and she explained a lot of her own personal experiences to me.  It is probaly quite selfish of me but I am at my happiest when he is not at home. He is a shift worker and I find I hardly think of him during the day when I am at work these days.  Since being on this forum, reading the posts and talking to my firend has helped me immensely with my thought processes and I believe also my emotional and mental health.  Thank you. 

Re: Paranoid partner

Hello @Ahsirt

I'm glad you're feeling a bit better.  These forums, and the caring people who post here, have helped me so much.  Sometimes I get so caught up with something going on for me, or in my life, that I feel so lost and alone, and I can't see any other solutions or options other than what's jumbled in my head.  Sometimes it helps me just to get things out, and this is a safe place for me. And it takes alot of time and energy working on personal relationships.  And often there are grey areas so thing's aren't always a "yes" or "no."  And people here have all different life experiences, so I value the different perspectives. 


I wish you all the best.  Heart