Casual Contributor

Partner is seeing numbers

Hello everyone,


My boyfriend and I have been together for 7 years and for the last 3 years he has been getting treatment for depression and insomnia. Five months ago his treatment changed and its around this time that he started to get really interested in Numerology. He says that numbers stand out to him and that they are messages from his spirit guides. Angel numbers are genuinely followed by some people but it is out of character for him. He isn't able to keep track of the numbers so he records them in his phone and then looks for patterns that he may have missed later on.


I guess I am just wondering if this sounds like a genuine interest that I should be supporting or is there a chance that his having some kind of reaction? 


He told me that he isn't sharing this with his psychiatrist or psychologist because they wouldn't understand. He is a very private person so if I need to tell his doctors, how do I do that?


I have probably just scared myself by googling the effects of some of the stuff he has been prescribed.


It's hard being the support person sometimes, I wish I could do more.


Thank you in advance!


Re: Partner is seeing numbers

Hey @Sydney2 Welcome to the forums! Sounds like your partner is really interested in numerology, however I guess you have to wonder why he doesn't want to share that with his psychiatrist or psychologist. 

What is it about the numerology that worries you? 

It really is hard to be a support person, I hear you and it sounds like you care about your partner a lot. Do you have any supports for yourself? Even just reaching out to a helpline can sometimes give you some clarity SANE drop in service is available 10am-10pm Mon-Fri if you wanted to chat with a counsellor. 

Re: Partner is seeing numbers

Thank you for replying.


I think what worries me is that he has always been an athiest who dislikes anything remotely 'hippie'; that he has previously shared everything with his doctors and I worry about how much time he is spending on the Numerology. He previously worked in the police force so he has always been a private person and I get the impression that he hasn't told me everything. He spoke as if the numbers come at him frequently and it's impossible to keep track. 


I found Numerology really interesting and I liked learning about something new with him. Unfortunately I have started to have my doubts about whether it is good for him because I am unable to match his commitment to it without it getting in the way of my day-to-day life. I also never experienced numbers coming at me like he does. This is what has made me wonder if his recent treatment change could be having an effect. But he said its more about whether my angels are communicating to me and whether I am listening properly.


I don't judge anyone's life choices. I worry because I know he is prescribed some pretty strong stuff and I wish I could be sure that this path is genuine.


Oh and I do have a psychologist but he is difficult to get into.


Thank you for listening 

Re: Partner is seeing numbers

Hey @Sydney2 I can hear how this is concerning for you. Are you able to speak with his care team at all? 

Re: Partner is seeing numbers

Hi @Paperdaisy 


Maybe I need to find someone who follows numerology and see if they experience it like he does. I hate the idea that I am close minded and not understanding of another way of life. I am so confused.


I would like to contact his psychiatrist, I know who she is  but he has never let me attend  appointments.


Do you have any advice for how I could do this without him seeing it as a betrayal of his confidence? He is very big on his privacy. He recently cut off all contact with his friends because they contacted me about their concerns for him.


Re: Partner is seeing numbers

Hey @Sydney2 I don't think you would be able to do that without your partners consent. Would it be worthwhile to try and have another chat with him about it to try and understand better and maybe talk about attending an appointment? It's hard for us to comment here because you have obviously seen a change that you are concerned about and you know the situation. I'm wondering if @Shaz51 has any advice around this as another carer. 

Re: Partner is seeing numbers

Hello there,


It sounds like you're in a challenging situation, and it's great that you're seeking advice. When it comes to new interests like angel numbers, it's important to keep an open mind but also stay attentive to any potential signs of concern. Given the changes in his treatment and his existing conditions, it might be wise to gently encourage him to discuss this new interest with his healthcare providers. You could frame it as wanting to ensure his treatment is fully supportive of all aspects of his well-being.


If he is reluctant to share, you might consider speaking with his doctors yourself. You can explain your concerns and provide them with the context they might need to understand his new behavior. Healthcare providers appreciate having a full picture to better help their patients.


Remember to take care of yourself, too. Supporting someone can be tough, and it's okay to seek support for yourself as well.


Best of luck to both of you!