Re: Does anyone want to talk

lol @ArraDreaming you like, 

"I would never wear crocs out in public!"

nek ninnit

"Naww come on, crocs are alright!!"


I could see myself getting a pair when my current thongs end up too scuffed. They do seem pretty foot-friendly 😉

Re: Does anyone want to talk

No I mean those fluffy ones @Jynx I wouldn’t be seen dead in them, the normal ones he’s

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Yes *

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Ahh fair enough @ArraDreaming haha still funny tho. 


I'll be heading off soon! You got much on this weekend? 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

We snagged free tickets to the footy @Jynx that’s tomorrow

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Ayyy nice one @ArraDreaming hope it's a good game!! Have a wicked time mate, I'll catch you next week 😁💜

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hey @Jynx thanks for the message in other thread just wanted to say my day was really good thank you how was yours? I reckon we are in for an early night tonight it’s so cold

Re: Does anyone want to talk

@ArraDreaming pretty chill day here (in both senses of the word haha) - just been juggling my layers, like how many pairs of pants do I gotta put on before my thighs are actually warm?! 😂


And then my cats absolutely insist on having the door/window open, so they can sniff the night air. They've got such an advantage with all their fur!! Little scamps.

Re: Does anyone want to talk

I used to sleep with the widow slightly open even in winter and just ramp up the blankets, for that cool air @Jynx what was I thinking

Re: Does anyone want to talk

@ArraDreaming ahaha that's like me in the warmer months, I will put a fan or the air con on specifically so I can sleep under a doona!! Can't have any part of me uncovered or the monsters under the bed will get me, obvs 🤣