Re: Does anyone want to talk

Join the club @ArraDreaming . I'm not having delusions but the kids are driving me bonkers. I thought I'd have a break from them but they have been all over me.


I thought I felt better today, but then I remember i took c+f. Now that it is wearing off, I'm feeling blergh. I'm going to go get some more meds.


I just did another covid test and it's a strong, immediate positive today... to yesterday must have only been the beginning of it.


Please look after yourself. Keep fluids up. 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Thanks @tyme you look after yourself too, isn’t it funny how kids just gravitate to you when you’re sick like WHY?
I’m currently in bed with you guessed it, ALL OF THEM

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Mrs jay5: I hope we don’t all get it otherwise we will all be too sick to go om holiday.
The kids: sticks their fingers up my nose and laying so close to me I’m breathing in their ears
Me: too late

Re: Does anyone want to talk

100%!!! LOL. Too too funny @ArraDreaming 


That was me this morning. ALL OF THEM were on me when I was in bed. ALL OF THEM. There are more than 20 different rooms in the house and they needed to me with ME.


I left them room that they were in and went to another, and all three literally followed me to the next room. Hence I got up and went to the next room, and there again, within a few minutes, there were with me again.


Their dad was down stairs and their mum was playing the piano downstairs, but they wanted to be with me.


Far out... these kids.

Re: Does anyone want to talk

No sense of personal space @tyme whatsoever
Tell me about it!
they have running their hands on my cheeks lol
don’t complain when you are sick lol (they will)

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Little germ carriers I probably got it from them anyway @tyme

Re: Does anyone want to talk

They carry the germs and we cop em! @ArraDreaming 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

@tyme well for your sake I hope they ease up haha mine have all just realised dad is boring and took sick to listen to their fighting so they have taken off to both Mrs jay5

Re: Does anyone want to talk

On this side, one is asleep, and two are downstairs - doing what? don't know, don't care at this point. Just leave me a lone for a bit @ArraDreaming 


I'm sure the house will be a mess when I go downstairs.


But at the moment, I'm really not caring.

Re: Does anyone want to talk

When you escape and they find you @tyme 😂😂😂
“What are you doing here dad”
Nothing, thats the entire point lol