Re: TW: Voluntary Assisted Dying - Your thoughts & personal experiences regarding current mental health issues in society

I don't know how to turn this into a content Warning but I would like this all to be Content Warning as I will be addressing the VAD side of things


TW: Voluntary Assisted Dying


Content/trigger warning

I come from lived experience and also am currently doing a crisis support course, part of what we learn is psychache. Pain that psychologically is akin to what someone physically experiences like the 1-10 scale. Theoretically you can say an 8 for decades that regularly has crisis of 10s might be a candidate for the MH VAD but what about the 5 for decades the occasionally has 10s, the 0 that suddenly is constantly 10 how do you make that decision as a physician. You've got to consider co-morbidities, some might be treatable, you've got to consider that the top death for youth is suicide but for other age groups it's not is that because there is a significant lack of help for youth of is it because it takes a while for the help to take affect,  or is the help we are offering not suitable, this one I genuinely do not know someone else might know.

What we do know is early intervention works, and that means every stage not just before the MH problems start but during, if someone puts a sign for do you need help in a toilet they are more likely to call it then if there is none. VAD has always been reserved for medically in this present moment someone cannot get help they are terminal, MH is so variable the people you interact with, the medication you take, the communities you visit, the therapies you take and the life you have it's just all too varied to for sure say no there is no treatment, person, community, medication or something that will work.


Take a breath and rest don't forget to love yourself.

Re: TW: Voluntary Assisted Dying - Your thoughts & personal experiences regarding current mental health issues in society

Appreciate your perspective @Trickster

Re: TW: Voluntary Assisted Dying - Your thoughts & personal experiences regarding current mental health issues in society

Hi everyone,
Thank you all for contributing to this important discussion with such respect and care. These are deeply personal and significant issues - I hope you get a good hearing tomorrow with the MP @Former-Member and that some of the community’s feedback has been helpful to inform that discussion.
For everyone: I need to include a gentle reminder about our community guidelines, particularly the importance of being supportive to others. While sharing our experiences and opinions is valuable, we must ensure that this discussion does not discourage help-seeking or promote harmful behaviours.
I understand it can be really tough to feel like you’ve exhausted many avenues of help and not experienced the changes you want to see. However, discussions about voluntary assisted dying in the context of mental health can be very triggering for some who are struggling with thoughts of suicide. We encourage everyone to keep this conversation focused on seeking support and finding ways to cope. With respect to the wider debate about systems, please keep this discussion focused on your views around the limitations of current support systems available and how they can be improved to support quality of life. There have been some really constructive and passionate arguments made here on that so far.
Thank you all for your understanding and for maintaining a safe and supportive space for everyone.

Re: TW: Voluntary Assisted Dying - Your thoughts & personal experiences regarding current mental health issues in society

After all that, how did it go, @Former-Member ?

It's okay if you don't care to share, or if your not aloud to share. I'm just curious.