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Re: My elephant in the room - Dependent Personality Disorder

Thank you for responding @Former-Member 💜💐

Re: My elephant in the room - Dependent Personality Disorder

Aee tou in bed?

Re: My elephant in the room - Dependent Personality Disorder

We're having another cold snap here. Are you down victoria way (can't recall)? I'm in SEQld which rarely gets this cold bŕrr!

Re: My elephant in the room - Dependent Personality Disorder

No trouble @Former-Member, you've been there for me heaps, its the least i can do when I'm actually with you.

Re: My elephant in the room - Dependent Personality Disorder

Yes @Former-Member. I haven't been out of bed for the entire day except for a shower and then I was exhausted and came back to bed. I'm not sure but I think you know what my urge is more than most on here. I think but am not sure if we SH the same way. I haven't since February but have been getting so close over the last few weeks

Re: My elephant in the room - Dependent Personality Disorder

Yeh, don't go there, grab an ice cube and squeeze it 'till it hurts & melts away first. I find strong smells good (insense, perfume etc). Oh, congrats on taking a shower - a step ahead of me there. Are there any noises outside this time of night where you are?

Re: My elephant in the room - Dependent Personality Disorder

Yeh don't, I miss you when you're not around. It would undo everything you've worked for. Lose ground you've fought to scratch back.

Re: My elephant in the room - Dependent Personality Disorder

Hey guys. @Former-Member @Former-Member

Want some more company ?

Re: My elephant in the room - Dependent Personality Disorder

If it's helping to talk @Former-Member, then keep talking ... we're here ....

Does this mean your son is not home ?  When is he coming back ?


Re: My elephant in the room - Dependent Personality Disorder

Hmm, that doesn't sound good. I guess I get through trying convince myself that it would matter to my son deep down. I've had family members tell me to 'just go do it' - so i sometimes get determined not to give the likes of them the satisfaction.
Other times, when i'm shaking in bed in the foetal position, i berathe, touch & describe things (mindfulness) and cry out to the Lord for Jesus. Sometimes i grown from the depths - get it out.
Illustration of people sitting and standing

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