Re: In a jam, pickled, frozen, well preserved and other culinary triumphs

Cool, thanks for that @Former-Member! I can't use bought custard unfortunately, or custard powder - no idea what they put in it that makes me ill, but it's not worth it. But, I can make egg custard from scratch and use that ... not motivated for the effort yet though, so will likely find something easier ... I like the caramel condensed milk idea a LOT! Robot LOL 

Hmmmm, when is it time to do the next shopping order I wonder ...... 

I used to make an amazing ice cream from canned Sunshine powdered milk when I lived in the outback - I have spent a couple of years trying to find the old recipe and can't just did!  The internet is an amazing thing - I have tried to find it before, but ... Thought, just one more try, and found it - will post here for posterity. 

@Former-Member @Smc @greenpea @Shaz51 and anyone else interested. 

Powdered Milk Ice Cream [Sunshine Ice Cream] Makes about 2 Pints 
1 teaspoon gelatin
½ cup hot water
4 heaped tablespoons full cream powdered milk
3 tablespoons sugar
1 ½ cups hot water
1 ¼ teaspoons vanilla extract

Dissolve gelatin in 1 tablespoon cold water, then mix with the ½ cup hot water.

Beat together powdered milk and 1 ½ cups hot water; add gelatin mixture and vanilla. Beat well, turn into freezer trays. When frozen to the consistency of thick cream, remove, beat until doubled in bulk. Freeze firm.
For a richer ice cream, reduce hot water to 1 cup, add one 4-oz. tin Nestle cream. 

I wonder if modern style powedered milk will work as well - something else to add to the shopping list. 

Re: In a jam, pickled, frozen, well preserved and other culinary triumphs


Thinking I might try the caramel recipe first too as it is quick and easy - energy efficient.

Re: In a jam, pickled, frozen, well preserved and other culinary triumphs

thank you @Former-Member Smiley Very Happy

Re: In a jam, pickled, frozen, well preserved and other culinary triumphs


Have just placed a container of caramel icecream into freezer - just used top'n'fill caramel and 600g cream, mixed together until smooth and creamy. I am sure it will be a success going by the 'licking the bowl' test. I am thinking that the condensed coffee milk and cream would be equal if not better in deliciousness.

Only thing it was not cheap - the caramel alone was $5 (saw the coffee version was $4.10), not sure if it ever comes on sale as I have not bought it before.

Re: In a jam, pickled, frozen, well preserved and other culinary triumphs

Ooh, how lovely @Former-Member you made your icecream! how was it? Utterly delicious I expect.

Thank you for the tip about the coffee one in a can too, used to get that in a tube which was great for coffee at work.

I think I can get both cans at the place I get my supplies from. It is a bit dear isn't it, compared to the not flavoured variety, but does save on the time and electricity of cooking it, I suppose. I so rarely buy any of that, that I have no idea if it comes on sale either, sorry. 

Thanks so much for letting me know, I'm going to have to try it. Smiley LOL

Re: In a jam, pickled, frozen, well preserved and other culinary triumphs

I've had a shot at making my own condensed milk. It was a very long process, slowly reducing the milk and sugar on the stovetop, but the end result was really tasty. One of those jobs better done when the woodstove's running anyway. And a very useful culinary skill for me, because I've got a family member who is lactose intolerant. You can get lactose free milk or milk altermatives, but not lactose free condensed milk. Means I've got a somewhat epanded scope for recipes I can make for her. Smiley Happy

Picked up an interesting second hand book today- a very beaten up copy of the complete Mrs Beeton's. Every other time I've seen it, it's been at collector's prices (maybe $100 plus..), so I'll accept beaten up as fair exchange for affordable!

Re: In a jam, pickled, frozen, well preserved and other culinary triumphs

Nice find @Smc, that is dedication making condensed milk from scratch. Can you get lactose free cream? Was thinking that just adding some coffee to plain condensed milk would be cheaper than buying the pre mixed version @Former-Member just a matter of juggling amount. Have not tasted the icecream yet, was saving it for Monday night.

Re: In a jam, pickled, frozen, well preserved and other culinary triumphs

@Former-Member, I think you can get lactose free cream, I have no idea what it's quality's like.

For me the big test with allergy friendly cooking is whether you'd enjoy eating it even if you didn't have to, and the homemade condensed milk passed that test. 🙂 Making a batch of regular milk condensed milk for ourselves, I used half the recipe's quantity of milk and added powdered milk to it, so that it was effectively half-reduced before I started, but I can't do that with the lactose free option.

Re: In a jam, pickled, frozen, well preserved and other culinary triumphs

Goodness me @Former-Member you are good! I would have definately had a wee taste by now! Just a corner with a tea spoon. You know to test if it was good enough for guests.... Hahaha. But really, geez you are good! 

Re: In a jam, pickled, frozen, well preserved and other culinary triumphs

Awesome find with the book @Smc and I will look into the making of condensed milk perhaps, I am something intolerant in milk, can tolerate it up to a point, but can over do it. Cooking helps with tolerance levels. I should not eat condensed milk, but can if I make sure there's no other overloading. 

Yes @Former-Member, I thought I'd probably just add some coffee to the ordinary can myself if I used it, and it would probably be nicer, and have a bit less sugar content maybe by doing it oneself. 


Just in case you might not have know, there's an online link to Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management  and, I use the Antique Pattern Library for lots of things.