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Looking after ourselves

Re: Coping in the emergency department

Morning @The-red-centaur, just thought I would check in and see how you are this morning. I hope your day is a peaceful one 💖

Re: Coping in the emergency department

@Former-Member I'm a bit better today. Tired though.
I'm speaking to my counsellor this morning, and then have a new psychologist at lunch time.

Re: Coping in the emergency department

@The-red-centaur , I am glad you are connecting with your support team today and sincerely hope that it helps you my friend. 💖

Re: Coping in the emergency department

Thinking of you today @The-red-centaur and hoping that your first session with the ED psychologist goes well. Will you let us know how it goes?

Re: Coping in the emergency department

Is there anyone around?

Re: Coping in the emergency department

@Former-Member @NatureLover are you around...

Re: Coping in the emergency department

Hey sweets, I'm here @The-red-centaur 

Re: Coping in the emergency department

Hey. I'm back in emergency....I don't know what to do. @Former-Member

Re: Coping in the emergency department

That is awesome that you where able to get yourself back there. Has anyone spoken with you yet? @The-red-centaur 

Re: Coping in the emergency department

@Former-Member I haven't spoken to anyone yet. It's gonna be a while and I hate being stuck in waiting room rn. I wanna curl up and cry tbh.
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