Re: Caring for a sick husband

Thanks Jynx

Re: Caring for a sick husband

How are you going @Ewok1963 @Holly1961 @Joyssie ?


I was passing through and wanted to check in with you all.

Re: Caring for a sick husband


thNk you for checking in.

im not doing to good. Dr has just been and the news is not good.

I so need. a miricle 

Re: Caring for a sick husband

Hey there @Holly1961 , I'm so sorry to hear the news wasn't great. I hear how stressful it must be for you.


We are here if you need a chat or a shoulder to cry on.


Please look after yourself at this time.

Re: Caring for a sick husband

Hi Holly1961,

I am really sorry to hear of your circumstances. I don't know which state you are in however there are carers programs in most states I believe. In Victoria you can contact Carers Victoria. They will provide you with resources and information about assistance available to you as a carer. They have a great website too. Also I would imagine you are around a lot of medical practitioners. Doctors and hospitals should be able to provide you with in roads to carers programs and assistance. There is also a free counselling phone service for carers. You should be able to google that. 

Look after yourself too. Many carers end up getting sick or needing care due to the stress they are under. It's a difficult journey. Big hugs from me. I hope you are successful in getting some support. 

Re: Caring for a sick husband

Hey @Holly1961 , the above post was for you. There's some great suggestions there.

Re: Caring for a sick husband

Thank you for checking in, I’m not to good feeling so sad and depressed of what the future holds.

try not to think of the negative but it’s right in front of me, I haven’t been out of the house for a couple of weeks so life has changed so much.

from a person who was working 4 days a week to now a person who has just lost all drive and initiative.

will I ever find me again

Re: Caring for a sick husband

All good here.

Re: Caring for a sick husband

Glad to hear @Ewok1963 .


It's a bit chilly on my side, but nothing that won't pass, I guess.


Hope you have a great week ahead - as good as it can be anyway. Anything planned for the week ahead?


Take Care.